Measurement and uncertainty

Bayesian Methods for Ecological and Environmental Modelling

Peter Levy
UKCEH Edinburgh



  • Bayesian basics
    • inference using conditional probability
  • MCMC
    • how to implement Bayesian inference
  • Linear Modelling
    • Bayesian estimation of simple model parameters
    • \(y = \alpha + \beta x + \epsilon\)


  • Model selection & comparison
    • how to choose between competing models


Measurement and uncertainty

Terminology for measurements

  • “The Facts”
  • Evidence
  • Observations
  • Measurements
  • Data

Terminology for measurements

  • “The Facts”
  • Evidence
  • Observations
  • Measurements
  • Data

All the same thing, increasing uncertainty.

Measurements and uncertainty

Measurements are a proxy for true process of interest. Connection between the two can be:

  • sample from population (sampling error)
  • imperfect measurements (measurement error)

Measurements and uncertainty

Measurements are a proxy for true process of interest. Connection between the two can be:

  • proxy variables
    • true variable is hard to measure but can be approximated

Measuring stream flow

The stream flow rate \(Q\) is the product of the stream cross-sectional area and its velocity. A pressure transducer continuously records stream height \(h\) via the pressure, \(P_{\mathrm{stream}}\).

Measuring streamflow

  • We would typically say we have “measurements of streamflow”
  • But we actually have measurements of stream height
  • or rather water pressure …
  • or rather pressure transducer output voltage …
  • or rather data logger measurements of voltage.

Streamflow example

We have a series of four linear models:

\[\begin{align*} Q_{flow} =& \beta_1 + \beta_2 h_{stream} + \epsilon_1 \\ h_{stream} =& \beta_3 + \beta_4 P_{sensor} + \epsilon_2 \\ P_{sensor} =& \beta_5 + \beta_6 V_{sensor} + \epsilon_3 \\ V_{sensor} =& \beta_7 + \beta_8 V_{logger} + \epsilon_4 \end{align*}\]

We effectively assume these models are perfect and the error terms \(\epsilon\) 1-4 are zero.

This is a relatively simple case, and some of these errors may well be negligible. Many cases are not so simple.

Streamflow example

We can substitute one model in another:

\[\begin{align*} \label{eq:strr} Q_{flow} =& \beta_1 + \beta_2 (\beta_3 + \beta_4 P_{sensor} + \epsilon_2) + \epsilon_1 \\ P_{sensor} =& \beta_5 + \beta_6 V_{sensor} + \epsilon_3 \\ V_{sensor} =& \beta_7 + \beta_8 V_{logger} + \epsilon_4 \end{align*}\]

to give a single model:

\[\begin{align*} \label{eq:stream3} Q_{flow} = \beta_1 +& \beta_2 (\beta_3 + \beta_4 (\beta_5 + \beta_6 (\beta_7 + \beta_8 V_{logger} \\ +& \epsilon_4) + \epsilon_3) + \epsilon_2) + \epsilon_1 \end{align*}\]

Measurements and uncertainty

Measurements are a proxy for true process of interest. Connection between the two can be:

  • proxy variables
    • true variable is hard to measure but can be approximated

Measurements and uncertainty

Measurements are a proxy for true process of interest. Connection between the two can be:

  • proxy variables
    • true variable is hard to measure but can be approximated

Measurements and uncertainty

Measurements are a proxy for true process of interest. Connection between the two can be:

  • proxy variables
    • true variable is hard to measure but can be approximated

Uncertainty in upscaling

Often, true process of interest is a larger-scale property (e.g. annual sum, regional mean)

  • integration
  • interpolation / extrapolation,
  • accounting for small-scale heterogeneity
  • adds additional modelling steps

Ignoring measurement error has consequences

But uncertainty often not propagated. Leads to results with:

  1. under-reported random uncertainty
    • inflated effect size
    • low statistical power
      • P(finding effect when present)
      • but over-reported

Ignoring measurement error has consequences

But uncertainty often not propagated. Leads to results with:

  1. under-reported systematic uncertainty
    • unacknowledged biases
    • distorted results, systematic artefacts
    • high false positive rate
      • P(finding effect when none present)
      • but under-reported

Ignoring measurement error has consequences

But uncertainty often not propagated. Leads to:

  • high “false discovery rate”
    • P(claiming to find effect when none present)
  • biased results in literature
  • flawed meta-analyses
  • the “reproducibility crisis”

The Reproducibility Crisis

“Why most published research findings are false”

High “false discovery rates”, often much higher than 5 %.

In ecology, these stem from:

  • unpropagated measurement error
  • unacknowledged measurement bias
  • low prevalence of effects
    • i.e. prior \(P(\mathrm{effect})\) is small

Understanding false discovery rates

Covid testing

Land use change from EO

Generic experiments

Generic experiments

Generic experiments: low power

Experiments: low prevalence

Understanding false discovery rates

Two examples:

  1. land use change
  2. soil carbon change

1. Land use change from EO

1. Land use change from EO: Summary

A naive analysis gives very erroneous results if we ignore measurement error and prior \(P(\mathrm{change})\).


  • account for measurement error explicitly
  • include prior \(P(\mathrm{change})\) in model
  • i.e. Bayesian approach

2. Soil carbon change

Soil carbon change

Motivation: increasing carbon sequestration in the soil is a potential means to offset greenhouse gas emissions

  • farmers can be paid for land management which achieves this
    • cover crops, organic manure, reduced ploughing etc.
  • detectable as in increase in soil carbon stock
  • payments should reflect actual outcomes

Measuring soil carbon: field

Take soil cores

Measuring soil carbon: lab

Soil carbon: integrate over depth

\(\mathrm{log} C = \alpha + \beta \times \mathrm{depth}\)

Soil carbon: integrate over space

Extrapolate samples to whole field with spatial model

\(\mu_{\mathrm{field}} = f(\theta, C_{\mathrm{samples}})\)

Soil carbon: uncertainties

  • We would typically say we have “measurements of soil carbon”.
  • But we actually have measurements of weight loss
  • from a sample of a sample …
  • from which we predict carbon fraction with a model …
  • and predict carbon stock to depth with a model …
  • and extrapolate this in space with a model …
  • and we (usually) ignore most of the uncertainties!

Soil carbon: uncertainties

It gets worse.

  • Systematic uncertainties (bias) from different:
  • surveyors
  • sampling protocols
  • areas & depths sampled
  • labs & instruments
  • lab protocols
  • very hard to be consistent over ~20 years.

Soil carbon: real data

Soil carbon: real data

Soil carbon: real data


Propagating uncertainty

Estimating the false discovery rate

“Why most published research findings are false” - the other reasons

“Why most published research findings are false”

  • What if we only publish the 5% studies with significant results?
  • The multiple testing problem

“Why most published research findings are false”

  • What if we only publish the 5% studies with significant results?
  • The multiple testing problem

“Why most published research findings are false”

  • Journals reject negative or confirmation results
  • The garden of forking paths
    • many possible choices in data collection & analysis
    • choices favour finding interesting patterns
  • Motivated cognition
    • “the influence of motives on memory, information processing & reasoning.”


  • use Bayesian approach (not NH testing)
  • change journal policies
  • registered reports
    • pre-register experimental design
    • report all results (negative & positive)


  • use Bayesian approach to meta-analysis
    • account for publication bias explicitly
    • analagous to measurement error
    • \(P(\mathrm{effect \: observed} | \mathrm{effect \: exists})\)
    • \(P(\mathrm{effect \: published} | \mathrm{effect \: observed})\)


  • we confuse measurements with “facts”
  • measurements are proxies connected to true process
  • usually some form of model involved
  • important to recognise uncertainties in the observation process


Ignoring uncertainties leads to:

  • low statistical power
    • P(finding effect when present)
    • but over-reported
  • high false positive rate
    • P(finding effect when none present)
    • but under-reported


  • high “false discovery rate”
    • P(claiming to find effect when none present)
  • biased results in literature
  • flawed meta-analyses
  • the “reproducibility crisis”


The Bayesian approach:

  • avoids null-hypothesis testing
  • incorporates prior knowledge \(P(\mathrm{effect})\) or \(P(\theta)\)
  • propagates errors explicitly
  • use hierarchical models to represent measurement error