Welcome to IoT Thing Swarm’s documentation!
This package is a CLI tool for simulating a swarm of IoT devices for the FDRI project. Currently it is capable of connecting to the COSMOS-UK database and mimicing a number of sensor sites and trasmitting the most recent data as MQTT messages to IoT Core. The code is designed to be modular and can be extended to other MQTT destinations or randomised site and data production.
Because of the Global Intepreter Lock (GIL) in Python, this package is not truly
multithreaded, but uses async
methods to achieve a minimal amount of multithreaded behavior
Install this package via pip:
pip install git+https://github.com/NERC-CEH/iot-swarm.git
This installs the package iotswarm
into your python environment.
Using The CLI
Installing this package will add a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool to your environment.
It can be invoked by typing iot-swarm
into your terminal. The CLI can be called to
intialise a swarm with data sent every 30 minutes like so:
iot-swarm cosmos --dsn="xxxxxx" --user="xxxxx" --password="*****" \
mqtt LEVEL_1_SOILMET_30MIN "client_id" \
--endpoint="xxxxxxx" \
--cert-path="C:\path\..." \
--key-path="C:\path\..." \
--ca-cert-path="C:\path\..." \
--sleep-time=1800 \
Parameters such as the certificates, credentials, endpoints take up a lot of volume, and can be provided by environment variables instead:
# COSMOS Credentials
export IOT_SWARM_COSMOS_DSN="xxxxxxxx"
export IOT_SWARM_COSMOS_USER="xxxxxxxx"
# AWS MQTT Configuration
export IOT_SWARM_MQTT_ENDPOINT="xxxxxxxx"
export IOT_SWARM_MQTT_CERT_PATH=="C:\path\..."
export IOT_SWARM_MQTT_KEY_PATH="C:\path\..."
export IOT_SWARM_MQTT_CA_CERT_PATH="C:\path\..."
Then the CLI can be called more cleanly:
iot-swarm cosmos mqtt LEVEL_1_SOILMET_30MIN "client_id" --sleep-time=1800 --swarm-name="my-swarm"
Using the Python Modules
To create an IoT Swarm you must write a script such as the following:
from iotswarm.queries import CosmosQuery, CosmosSiteQuery
from iotswarm.swarm import Swarm
from iotswarm import devices
from iotswarm.messaging.aws import IotCoreMQTTConnection
from iotswarm import db
import asyncio
import config
from pathlib import Path
import logging
async def main(config_path: str):
"""Runs the main loop of the program.
config_path: A path to the config file for credentials and connection points.
log_config = Path(Path(__file__).parent, "__assets__", "loggers.ini")
app_config = config.Config(config_path)
iot_config = app_config["iot_core"]
oracle_config = app_config["oracle"]
data_source = await db.Oracle.create(
oracle_config["dsn"], oracle_config["user"], oracle_config["password"]
site_query = CosmosSiteQuery.LEVEL_1_SOILMET_30MIN
query = CosmosQuery[site_query.name]
device_ids = await data_source.query_site_ids(site_query, max_sites=5)
mqtt_connection = IotCoreMQTTConnection(
device_objs = [
site, data_source, mqtt_connection, query=query, sleep_time=5
for site in device_ids
swarm = Swarm(device_objs, name="soilmet")
await swarm.run()
if __name__ == "__main__":
config_path = str(Path(Path(__file__).parent, "__assets__", "config.cfg"))
This instantiates and runs a swarm of 5 sites from the COSMOS database that each run for 5 cycles of queries and wait for 30 seconds between queries.
The system expects config credentials for the MQTT endpoint and the COSMOS Oracle database.
oracle: {
dsn: "xxxxxxxxxxx"
user: "xxxxx"
password: "xxxxxxxxxxx"
iot_core: {
endpoint: "123456789.iot.<region>.amazonaws.com"
port: 8883
cert_path: "xxxx.pem"
pri_key_path: "xxxx.key"
aws_ca_cert_path: "xxxx.pem"
Looping Through a local database / csv file
This package now supports using a CSV file or local SQLite database as the data source. There are 2 modules to support it: db.LoopingCsvDB and db.LoopingSQLite3. Each of them initializes from a local file and loops through the data for a given site id. The database objects store an in memory cache of each site ID and it’s current index in the database. Once the end is reached, it loops back to the start for that site.
For use in FDRI, 6 months of data was downloaded to CSV from the COSMOS-UK database, but the files are too large to be included in this repo, so they are stored in the ukceh-fdri S3 bucket on AWS. There are scripts for regenerating the .db file in this repo:
To use the ‘official’ data, it should be downloaded from the S3 bucket and placed in ./src/iotswarm/__assets__/data before running the script. This will build a .db file sorted in datetime order that the LoopingSQLite3 class can operate with.
The looping database classes assume that their data files are sorted, and make no attempt to sort it themselves.