iotswarm package
iotswarm.db module
This module holds all implementation for databases. Currently only supporting Oracle.
- class iotswarm.db.BaseDatabase(inherit_logger: logging.Logger | None = None)
Base class for implementing database objects
- Parameters
inherit_logger – Assigns the passed logger to instance.
- class iotswarm.db.MockDB(inherit_logger: logging.Logger | None = None)
- class iotswarm.db.CosmosDB(inherit_logger: logging.Logger | None = None)
Base class for databases using COSMOS_UK data.
- site_data_query: CosmosQuery
SQL query for retrieving a single record.
- site_id_query: CosmosQuery
SQL query for retrieving list of site IDs
- query_latest_from_site()
- class iotswarm.db.Oracle(inherit_logger: logging.Logger | None = None)
Class for handling oracledb logic and retrieving values from DB.
- connection: Connection
Connection to oracle database.
- site_data_query: CosmosQuery = 'SELECT * FROM COSMOS.{table}\nWHERE site_id = :site_id \nORDER BY date_time DESC \nFETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY'
SQL query for retrieving a single record.
- site_id_query: CosmosQuery = 'SELECT UNIQUE(site_id) FROM COSMOS.{table}'
SQL query for retrieving list of site IDs
- async classmethod create(dsn: str, user: str, password: str = None, inherit_logger: logging.Logger | None = None, **kwargs)
- Factory method for initialising the class.
Initialization is done through the create() method: Oracle.create(…).
- Parameters
dsn – Oracle data source name.
user – Username used for query.
pw – User password for auth.
inherit_logger – Uses the given logger if provided
- async query_latest_from_site(site_id: str, table: CosmosTable) dict
Requests the latest data from a table for a specific site.
- Parameters
site_id – ID of the site to retrieve records from.
table – A valid table from the database
- Returns
- A dict containing the database columns as keys, and the values as values.
Returns None if no data retrieved.
- Return type
dict | None
- class iotswarm.db.LoopingCsvDB(csv_file: str | pathlib.Path)
A database that reads from csv files and loops through items for a given table or site. The site and index is remembered via a dictionary key and incremented each time data is requested.
- db_file: str | pathlib.Path
Path to the database file.
- connection: DataFrame
Connection to the pd object holding data.
- query_latest_from_site(site_id: str, index: int) dict
Queries the datbase for a SITE_ID incrementing by 1 each time called for a specific site. If the end is reached, it loops back to the start.
- Parameters
site_id – ID of the site to query for.
index – An offset index to query.
- Returns
A dict of the data row.
- class iotswarm.db.LoopingSQLite3(db_file: str | pathlib.Path)
A database that reads from .db files using sqlite3 and loops through entries in sequential order. There is a script that generates the .db file in the __assets__/data directory relative to this file. .csv datasets should be downloaded from the accompanying S3 bucket before running.
- connection: Connection
Connection to the database.
- site_data_query: CosmosQuery = 'SELECT * FROM {table}\nWHERE site_id = :site_id\nLIMIT 1 OFFSET :offset'
SQL query for retrieving a single record.
- site_id_query: CosmosQuery = 'SELECT DISTINCT(site_id) FROM {table}'
SQL query for retrieving list of site IDs
- query_latest_from_site(site_id: str, table: CosmosTable, index: int) dict
Queries the datbase for a SITE_ID incrementing by 1 each time called for a specific site. If the end is reached, it loops back to the start.
- Parameters
site_id – ID of the site to query for.
table – A valid table from the database
index – Offset of index.
- Returns
A dict of the data row.
iotswarm.devices module
This module hold logic for device implementation. Currently only a single device time implemented.
- class iotswarm.devices.BaseDevice(device_id: str, data_source: BaseDatabase, connection: MessagingBaseClass, *, sleep_time: int | None = None, max_cycles: int | None = None, delay_start: bool | None = None, inherit_logger: logging.Logger | None = None, table: iotswarm.queries.CosmosTable | None = None, mqtt_topic: str | None = None, mqtt_prefix: str | None = None, mqtt_suffix: str | None = None, no_send_probability: int = 0)
Base class for sensing devices.
- table: CosmosTable
SQL table used in queries if Oracle or LoopingSQLite3 selected as data_source.
- data_source: BaseDatabase
Specifies the source of data to use.
- connection: MessagingBaseClass
Connection to the data receiver.
- async run()
The main invocation of the method. Expects a Oracle object to do work on and a table to retrieve. Runs asynchronously until max_cycles is reached.
- Parameters
message_connection – The message object to send data through
- class iotswarm.devices.CR1000XDevice(*args, serial_number: str | None = None, os_version: str | None = None, program_name: str | None = None, table_name: str | None = None, **kwargs)
Represents a CR1000X datalogger.
- class iotswarm.devices.XMLDataTypes(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
Enum class representing XML datatypes with rankings used for selecting maximum type needed for a range of values.
- null = {'rank': 0, 'schema': 'xsi:nil'}
- string = {'rank': 1, 'schema': 'xsd:string'}
- boolean = {'rank': 2, 'schema': 'xsd:boolean'}
- dateTime = {'rank': 3, 'schema': 'xsd:dateTime'}
- short = {'rank': 4, 'schema': 'xsd:short'}
- int = {'rank': 5, 'schema': 'xsd:int'}
- long = {'rank': 6, 'schema': 'xsd:long'}
- integer = {'rank': 7, 'schema': 'xsd:integer'}
- float = {'rank': 8, 'schema': 'xsd:float'}
- double = {'rank': 9, 'schema': 'xsd:double'}
iotswarm.example module
iotswarm.loggers module
Logging module for defining custom log handlers.
- class iotswarm.loggers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(*args, **kwargs)
TimedRotatingFileHandler Handler for rotating logs on a timed basis.
Extended this handler to ensure log file and directory are created according to platform.
iotswarm.queries module
This module contains query constants for retrieving data from the COSMOS database.
- class iotswarm.queries.CosmosTable(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
Enums of approved COSMOS database tables.
- class iotswarm.queries.CosmosQuery(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
Enums of common queries in each databasing language.
- SQLITE_LOOPED_DATA = 'SELECT * FROM {table}\nWHERE site_id = :site_id\nLIMIT 1 OFFSET :offset'
Query for retreiving data from a given table in sqlite format.
SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE site_id = :site_id LIMIT 1 OFFSET :offset
- ORACLE_LATEST_DATA = 'SELECT * FROM COSMOS.{table}\nWHERE site_id = :site_id \nORDER BY date_time DESC \nFETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY'
Query for retreiving data from a given table in oracle format.
iotswarm.swarm module
This is the core module for orchestrating swarms of IoT devices. One swarm defined currently for using COSMOS data.
- class iotswarm.swarm.Swarm(devices: List[BaseDevice], name: str | None = None, base_directory: str | pathlib.Path | None = None)
Manages a swarm of IoT devices and runs the main loop of all devices. Can receive any number or combination of devices.
- devices: List[BaseDevice]
List of site objects.
- base_directory: Path = PosixPath('/home/runner/.local/share/iot_swarm/swarms')
The base directory where swarms are stored.
- async run() None
Main function for running the swarm. Sends the query and message connection object. Runs until all sites reach their maximum cycle. If any site has no maximum, it runs forever.