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These are methdos for extracting various useful summaries from models, including the model parameter names, NUTS parameters, the log posterior, r-hat and n-eff ratio.


get_parnames(object, log_lik = FALSE)

# S3 method for class 'jsdmStanFit'
nuts_params(object, ...)

# S3 method for class 'jsdmStanFit'
log_posterior(object, ...)

# S3 method for class 'jsdmStanFit'
rhat(object, ...)

# S3 method for class 'jsdmStanFit'
neff_ratio(object, ...)



The jsdmStanFit model object


Whether the log_lik parameters should be included in the parameter list


Arguments passed on to the bayesplot equivalent for stanFit objects


get_parnames() returns a character vector of model parameter names.nuts_params() returns a molten data frame (see reshape2::melt()). The data frame should have columns "Parameter" (factor), "Iteration" (integer), "Chain" (integer), and "Value" (numeric).log_posterior() returns a molten data frame (see reshape2::melt()). The data frame should have columns "Chain" (integer), "Iteration" (integer), and "Value" (numeric).rhat(), neff_ratio() both return named numeric vectors.


  • get_parnames(): Get the model parameter names

  • nuts_params(jsdmStanFit): Get the NUTS parameters

  • log_posterior(jsdmStanFit): Get the log posterior

  • rhat(jsdmStanFit): Get the R-hat

  • neff_ratio(jsdmStanFit): Get the n_eff ratio