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Extract the posterior draws of the linear predictor for the zero-inflation parameter, possibly transformed by the inverse-link function.


  transform = FALSE,
  newdata = NULL,
  ndraws = NULL,
  draw_ids = NULL,
  list_index = "draws"



The model object


Should the linear predictor be transformed using the inverse-link function. The default is FALSE, in which case the untransformed linear predictor is returned.


New data, by default NULL and uses original data


Number of draws, by default the number of samples in the posterior. Will be sampled randomly from the chains if fewer than the number of samples.


The IDs of the draws to be used, as a numeric vector


Whether to return the output list indexed by the number of draws (default), species, or site.


A list of linear predictors. If list_index is "draws" (the default) the list will have length equal to the number of draws with each element of the list being a site x species matrix. If the list_index is "species" the list will have length equal to the number of species with each element of the list being a draws x sites matrix. If the list_index is "sites" the list will have length equal to the number of sites with each element of the list being a draws x species matrix. Note that in the zero-inflated case this is only the linear predictor of the non-zero-inflated part of the model.