# Decollages flowcam images (breaks one large tiff into many small ones)
# Attempts to extract coordinate, date and depth information encoded in the filename
# Add add those properties to the resulting output in the EXIF headers
# where file path points to the flowcam data folder which has the collage .tifs and the .lst file inside
# Originally adapted from https://sarigiering.co/posts/extract-individual-particle-images-from-flowcam/
import argparse
import glob
import logging
import os
import re
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from exiftool import ExifToolHelper
from exiftool.exceptions import ExifToolExecuteError
from skimage.io import imread, imsave
def window_slice(image: np.ndarray, x: int, y: int, height: int, width: int) -> np.ndarray:
return image[y : y + height, x : x + width] # noqa: E203
def parse_filename(filename: str) -> tuple:
"""Attempt to extract file prefix, lon, lat, date, depth, from filename"""
pattern = r"_(-?\d+\.\d+)_(-?\d+\.\d+)_(\d{8})(?:_(\d+))?"
match = re.search(pattern, filename)
if match:
# We've left space for "depth" here
# But all the observed values are not depths, they're like session IDs e.g. _1
# TODO check this assumption with the folks in the lab
lat, lon, date, depth = match.groups()
# There could be an arbitrary number of underscores before the coords
prefix = filename.split(lat)[0]
# This could be a directory or a full path
if "/" in prefix:
prefix = prefix.split("/")[-1]
return (prefix, lat, lon, date, depth)
logging.warning(f"No coordinates or date found in filename: {filename}")
return ()
class FlowCamSession:
Bundle up all the logic of the decollage script so it can be run
without passing commandline arguments
def __init__(self, directory: str, output_directory: str, experiment_name: str):
"""Implements the work of the decollage script:
directory - path to a directory containing all the images for a FlowCam session
output_directory - path to a directory to write the single images, create if needed
experiment_name - a tag to use on the image files, could be superfluous
self.directory = directory
self.output_directory = output_directory
self.experiment_name = experiment_name
def output_dir(self) -> None:
# create a folder to save the output into
if os.path.exists(self.output_directory):
def do_decollage(self) -> None:
"""Not very lovely single function that replaces the work of the script.
See cyto_ml.pipeline.pipeline_decollage - has the same code in it
# Reasonably assume that all images in a session have same spatio-temporal metadata
# extract the coords, date, possibly depth from directory name
collage_headers = headers_from_filename(self.directory)
# decollage - rather than traverse the index and keep rereading large images,
# filter by filename first and traverse that way, should speed up a lot
for collage_file in self.metadata.collage_file.unique():
collage = imread(f"{self.directory}/{collage_file}")
df = self.metadata[self.metadata.collage_file == collage_file]
for i in df.index:
# extract vignette
height = df["image_h"][i]
width = df["image_w"][i]
img_sub = window_slice(
# write EXIF metadata into the headers
headers = collage_headers
headers["ImageWidth"] = width
headers["ImageHeight"] = height
# save vignette to decollage folder
# we probably need to write to the filesystem to then use exiftool
output_file = f"{self.directory}/decollage/{self.experiment_name}_{i}.tif"
imsave(output_file, img_sub)
write_headers(output_file, headers)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Decollages flow cam images. requires pandas (pip install pandas) and cv2 (pip install opencv-python).", # noqa: E501
help="path to the flowcam data file which contains collage .tifs and an .lst file",
parser.add_argument("experimentName", help="name to append to each decollaged file")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Run the decollage process for a whole session
FlowCamSession(args.filePath, f"{args.filePath}/decollage", args.experimentName)
# TODO consider squirting the output straight into the object store API
# TODO decide whether to do anything with the analytic metadata (circularity etc)
# We could pop it into a sqlite store at this stage, but want the file linkages