Source code for

import logging
import os
import sqlite3
import struct
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Optional

import chromadb
import chromadb.api.models.Collection
import numpy as np
import sqlite_vec
from chromadb.config import Settings
from chromadb.errors import UniqueConstraintError

from import SQLITE_SCHEMA

# TODO make this sensibly configurable, not confusingly hardcoded
STORE = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "../../../vectors")

[docs] def serialize_f32(vector: List[float]) -> bytes: """serializes a list of floats into a compact "raw bytes" format """ return struct.pack("%sf" % len(vector), *vector)
[docs] def deserialize(packed: bytes) -> List[float]: """Inverse of the serialisation method suggested above (e.g. for clustering)""" size = int(len(packed) / 4) return struct.unpack("%sf" % size, packed)
[docs] class VectorStore(metaclass=ABCMeta):
[docs] @abstractmethod def add(self, url: str, embeddings: List[float]) -> None: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, url: str) -> List[float]: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def closest(self, embeddings: List) -> List[float]: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def embeddings(self) -> List[List]: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def ids(self) -> List[str]: pass
[docs] class ChromadbStore(VectorStore): client = chromadb.PersistentClient( path=STORE, settings=Settings( anonymized_telemetry=False, ), ) def __init__(self, db_name: str): try: collection = self.client.create_collection( name=db_name, metadata={"hnsw:space": "cosine"}, # default similarity ) except UniqueConstraintError as err: collection = self.client.get_collection(db_name) = collection
[docs] def add(self, url: str, embeddings: List[float]) -> None: """Add vector to Chromadb""" documents=[url], # we use image location in s3 rather than text content embeddings=[embeddings], # wants a list of lists ids=[url], # wants a list of ids )
[docs] def get(self, url: str) -> list: """Retrieve vector from Chromadb""" record =[url], include=["embeddings"]) return record["embeddings"][0]
[docs] def closest(self, url: str, n_results: int = 25) -> List: """Get the N closest identifiers by cosine distance""" embeddings = self.get(url) results =[embeddings], n_results=n_results) return results["ids"][0] # by index because API assumes query always multiple inputs
[docs] def embeddings(self) -> List[List]: result =["embeddings"]) return np.array(result["embeddings"])
[docs] def ids(self) -> List[str]: return"ids", [])
[docs] class PostgresStore(VectorStore): def __init__(self, db_name: str): self.db_name = db_name
[docs] def add(self, url: str, embeddings: List[float]) -> None: # Implementation for adding vector to Postgres pass
[docs] def get(self, url: str) -> List[float]: # Implementation for retrieving vector from Postgres pass
[docs] def closest(self, embeddings: list, n_results: int = 25) -> List: pass
[docs] def embeddings(self) -> List[List]: pass
[docs] def ids(self) -> List[str]: pass
[docs] class SQLiteVecStore(VectorStore): def __init__(self, db_name: str, embedding_len: Optional[int] = 512, check_same_thread: bool = True): self._check_same_thread = check_same_thread self.embedding_len = embedding_len self.load_ext(db_name) self.load_schema()
[docs] def load_ext(self, db_name: str) -> None: """Load the sqlite extension into our db if needed""" # db_name could be ':memory:' for testing, or a path db = sqlite3.connect(db_name, check_same_thread=self._check_same_thread) db.enable_load_extension(True) sqlite_vec.load(db) db.enable_load_extension(False) self.db = db
[docs] def load_schema(self) -> None: """Load our db schema if needed; Default embedding length is 2048, set at init. Consider SQLAlchemy for this, or a CLI-based way of loading from a file; a list of CREATE TABLE statements feels like a kludge. """ for statement in SQLITE_SCHEMA: query = statement.format(self.embedding_len) try: self.db.execute(query) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if "already exists" in str(err): pass else: raise
[docs] def add(self, url: str, embeddings: List[float], classification: Optional[str] = "") -> None: """Add image embeddings to storage. Two tables: * one regular one which holds metadata, with embeddings as floats * one "virtual table" for indexing it by ID with encoded embeddings""" cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO images(url, embedding, classification) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [url, serialize_f32(embeddings), classification], ) row_id = cursor.lastrowid cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO images_vec(id, embedding) VALUES (?, ?)", [row_id, serialize_f32(embeddings)], ) self.db.commit()
[docs] def get(self, url: str) -> List[float]: result = self.db.execute("select embedding from images where url = ?", [url]).fetchone() if len(result): return result[0] else: return None
[docs] def closest(self, url: str, n_results: int = 25) -> List: """Find and return the N closest examples by distance Accepts an image URL, returns a list ordered by distance """ # See # - "limit ?" not guaranteed # Note - stopped returning distance for consistency, but might be useful try: doc_id = self.db.execute("select id from images where url = ?", [url]).fetchone()[0] except IndexError: return None query = """ with image_embedding as ( select embedding as first_embedding from images_vec where id = ? ) select images.url, vec_distance_cosine(images_vec.embedding, first_embedding) as distance from images_vec, image_embedding, images where = order by distance limit ?""" results = self.db.execute(query, [doc_id, n_results]).fetchall() return results # [i for j in results for i in j]
[docs] def labelled(self, label: str, n_results: int = 50) -> List[str]: labelled = self.db.execute( """select url from images where classification = ? limit ?""", (label, n_results) ).fetchall() return [i for j in labelled for i in j]
[docs] def classes(self) -> List[str]: classes = self.db.execute("""select distinct classification from images""").fetchall() return [i for j in classes for i in j]
[docs] def embeddings(self) -> List[List]: embeddings = self.db.execute("""select embedding from images""").fetchall() return [deserialize(i) for j in embeddings for i in j]
[docs] def ids(self) -> List[str]: urls = self.db.execute("""select url from images""").fetchall() return [i for j in urls for i in j]
[docs] def vector_store( store_type: Optional[str] = "chromadb", db_name: Optional[str] = "test_collection", **kwargs ) -> VectorStore: if store_type == "chromadb": return ChromadbStore(db_name, **kwargs) elif store_type == "postgres": return PostgresStore(db_name, **kwargs) elif store_type == "sqlite": return SQLiteVecStore(db_name, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown store type: {store_type}")