CEH’s Git Version Control Exercises

These exercises introduce version control using Git. We will do the following 3 sessions:

Here is the powerpoint presentation shown in the workshop should you need it: or as a pdf


Laptop with SourceTree installed

There are many clients for Git, in these exercises you will use SourceTree to manage Git. SourceTree is a Git client for Windows and Mac. Please bring a laptop to the course with SourceTree installed. You can install it by following these instructions:


To participate in exercises 2 and 3 you need to be on-line. There should at least be wifi available during the workshop, so please use that.

A note about Git from the command line

Git can be used from the command line rather than via a graphical client like SourceTree. This can be especially useful for linux users and it also provides access to everything that Git can do, which isn’t necessarily true of a graphical Git client. The exercises we have put together do not teach the use of the command line (apart from exercise 1, where we have given you the commands to try). However, we highly recommend learning to use it since it can be extremely convenient.

If you want to try the command line you can find it in SourceTree by going to: Actions > Open in Terminal

There are great tutorials and documentation out there, here are some that will help you get started:

To install just the command line on Windows use Git for windows:

Linux users

To install Git on Linux use the following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git