Section 13 CORINE Land Use

13.1 Background

The CORINE Land Cover product (“CORINE Land Cover — Copernicus Land Monitoring Service” n.d.) consists of an inventory of land cover in 44 classes. CORINE is produced within the framework of the Initial Operations of the Copernicus programme (the European Earth monitoring programme previously known as GMES) on land monitoring. It attempts to provide consistent information on land cover and land cover changes across Europe. CORINE is produced by semi-automatic interpretation of high resolution satellite imagery, following a standard methodology and nomenclature with the following base parameters: - 44 classes in the hierarchical three level Corine nomenclature; - Minimum mapping unit (MMU) for status layers is 25 hectares; - Minimum width of linear elements is 100 metres.

Maps were available for 2000, 2006, 2012, and 2018 as a 100-m raster product (version updated 2020). Processing involved the reprojecting from Lambert Equal Area projection to OSGB36 coordinates, and re-classifying the 44-classes to the six LULUCF classes. The table below shows the correspondence between CORINE classes and LULUCF classes.

1 Continuous urban fabric 5 urban
2 Discontinuous urban fabric 5 urban
3 Industrial or commercial units 5 urban
4 Road and rail networks and associated land 5 urban
5 Port areas 5 urban
6 Airports 5 urban
7 Mineral extraction sites 5 urban
8 Dump sites 5 urban
9 Construction sites 5 urban
10 Green urban areas 3 grass
11 Sport and leisure facilities 3 grass
12 Non-irrigated arable land 2 crop
13 Permanently irrigated land 2 crop
14 Rice fields 2 crop
15 Vineyards 2 crop
16 Fruit trees and berry plantations 2 crop
17 Olive groves 2 crop
18 Pastures 3 grass
19 Annual crops associated with permanent crops 2 crop
20 Complex cultivation patterns 2 crop
21 Land principally occupied by agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation 3 grass
22 Agro-woodsry areas 1 woods
23 Broad-leaved woods 1 woods
24 Coniferous woods 1 woods
25 Mixed woods 1 woods
26 Natural grasslands 4 rough
27 Moors and heathland 4 rough
28 Sclerophyllous vegetation 4 rough
29 Transitional woodland-shrub 4 rough
30 Beaches dunes sands 6 other
31 Bare rocks 6 other
32 Sparsely vegetated areas 6 other
33 Burnt areas 6 other
34 Glaciers and perpetual snow 6 other
35 Inland marshes 4 rough
36 Peat bogs 4 rough
37 Salt marshes 4 rough
38 Salines 6 other
39 Intertidal flats 0 NA
40 Water courses 0 NA
41 Water bodies 0 NA
42 Coastal lagoons 0 NA
43 Estuaries 0 NA
44 Sea and ocean 0 NA
Spatial distribution of LULUCF land-use classes in the UK according to CORINE.

Figure 13.1: Spatial distribution of LULUCF land-use classes in the UK according to CORINE.


“CORINE Land Cover — Copernicus Land Monitoring Service.” n.d. Land Section. Accessed November 13, 2020.